Sunday, February 14, 2010

spicy carrots

Sometimes, I wish that I was REALLY overweight. Like ultra mega super morbidly obese.

And that I got that way through a ridiculously unhealthy lifestyle, where I was used to eating a quart of icecream sprinkled with a dozen or so donuts every night after my six-burger-after-dinner-snack.

Sometimes I see these people on tv, and they have a sudden revelation that maybe that's not the best way to go... and POOF! They lose tremendous amounts of weight by walking a block or two a day or doing those little fist punches from bed, because at this point ANY activity and ANY food reduction works miracles.

I'm not the healthiest person ever-- of course not. I try, but I am not super active or anything like that. However, I AM in fairly good health, and I DO exercise, and I DO try to eat right... and I don't get anywhere fast.

I know that this kind of thing is a slow-and-steady ordeal, at best, but I can't help but feel a little punished for my erstwhile good deeds........

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